Thursday, April 14, 2011


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hye...I'm back to be a is because nothing to do right know what if you got holidays for a long tyme like me...what kind of things that you should do in 2 months???work?study?eat and sleep?or put down your legs n shake it when watching television??haha...That such things I did except for work n study...Work?I have been goes to find a job..find job at petrol at bus station,supermarket...having vacancy but I can't work there maybe they know i only work as part timer... WTF...but..never mind...I can stay at home safely..:)
What can I say here all about MUET,MUET and MUET....this is second tyme i sit for the MUET examination...know already the procedure and do not worry much about it...I already passed the speaking far so good but something bad was happened before I do my speaking test...In the morning I was involved in small accident on my way to go to speaking test...don't worry i juz falling down from my motorcycle after smartly lap from one 90 degrees selekoh...and my slack was think that i will take my speaking test with teared slack?no laaaa...haha..i changed it before i take the test...badly....when i arrived there...I've got problem that my index number was not enough...fuuhhhhh!!!nicely i can use my IC...
On upcoming saturday, I will sit for reading,writing and listening test...I hope it will clearly work on a whole day...this is my second tyme and i hope i get what i deserved...MUET...please be nice for me....hehe...i hope by being a blogger and write an english writing can practising me how to write and learn from the mistakessssss!!!(though have so many mistakes in this writing)..haha..

Monday, April 11, 2011

11 APRIL 2011

Assalamualaikum W.B.T....

11 April....mcm2 perkara terjadi kat aku hri tu....ak rsa mcm bermkna skit and ak x bleh lupa kot ap yg terjdi hri tu sbb tu ak rsa nk tlis jea kat sni...huhu..awal2 pgi ak bngun coz pkol 7.30 dh nk kna g speaking test untuk MUET...siap2 la nk g..5 mnit lagi 7.30 ak dh bertolak...g sndri naik moto...mcm mane ntah smpai kat stu selekoh tu ak terjatuh.....hbislah koyak sluar ak..luka n lbam2 skit kaki nie....apalah nasib an...huhu....ptah blik tkar sluar len..hmmm....lagi 10 mnit pkol 8.00 smpai la ak kat tmpat test...tbe2 ak tgk index number untuk muet x ckup walhal print drpda internet....sdih gler la..nseb bek bleh gne IC...rupanya ak group first untuk hri tu...Alhamdulillah lah speaking test berjln lncar wlaupon x da mood sgt...huhu..lbih kurang pkol 9.oo tu ak blik la umah...

Boring..x taw wat pa pdhal taw hri tu gak result final exam nk tkot nk check la facebook..tgk rmai kwan2 dh check result...suma nmpak mcm bgus2 belaka...kuat kan smgt gak nk check result...Alhamdulillah dpat 3.++..skaligus dpat cover yg sem lpas pnya...hepi gak la tyme dh tgk result tu..Allah dh tlong ak....terima kasih Ya Allah...hehe..walaupon x da pape bekal untuk sem dpan...mohon dberi kekuatan untuk lbih brusaha kekalkan ap yg ada..:)

Bersyukur padamu Ya Allah...wlaupon phit pda awal hri, tetapi kemanisan tu ttap ad...hehe...:)